Brianna King » Mrs. King's Second Grade Class

Mrs. King's Second Grade Class

I hope you all had a wonderful year in first grade! I wanted to introduce myself as your second grade teacher! My name is Brianna King. This will be my seventh year as a second grade teacher and my eighth year at Windham Primary School! I also attended Windham Primary School as a student when I was your age- Fun Fact! J  I am so excited for the school year of 2023-2024!! 
About Mrs. King

I live with my husband, Dana, our four-year-old son, Dallas, two year old daughter, Braylin Jo and our Golden Retriever, Oakley. You will hear so much about my family; they are my world. In my free time I enjoy going to the beach and spending time with family and friends. Dana and I love taking the kids on many fun adventures. We have had the best summer.

I have a love for teaching and I am so excited to get to know each and every one of you. I cannot wait to hear all about the fun adventures you all took this summer. Soon enough, we will be building our classroom family and getting to know each other!  

 Important things you should know about our classroom:     






Red Take Home Folders– goes back and forth from school daily. This is used for at-home work, transportation notes, behavior charts, etc. Look for any communication from the school to be sent home in this folder. I will check these every day for any notes from home!


Seesaw- This is an app that is used throughout the school year as another form of communication. I will send all communication through seesaw and email.



Toys are not allowed in our classroom. Please keep personal items at home so they do not get lost or broken. If a toy is brought to school, students must keep it in their backpacks. If the toy becomes a distraction I will hold on to the toy and contact the student’s family.



Math – Instruction based on the iReady Math program. Students will receive a whole group, small group, and one on one instruction based on their learning needs. Learning will be done through problem solving and use of manipulatives. Students will receive 60 minutes of math instruction per day.

Reading – Using a workshop model of whole group lesson, guided practice, and debriefing students will receive an hour of reading instruction each day. They will learn through reading aloud, reading groups, writing about reading, and individualized web-based programs. Generally, second grade focuses on retelling and summarizing story elements, how characters change throughout a story, understanding authors’ message, comparing and contrasting texts, and reading non-fiction.

Writing – Following a program called Units of Study, writers will be exposed to informational, narrative, and opinion writing. They will learn, practice, and debrief their writing in a workshop model for a minimum of 45 minutes per day. Students will be encouraged to work with partners, be creative, and revise as they grow as writers.


Classroom Community:

3 B’s – Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe – Our classroom expectations were created around our school’s 3 B’s. Each week, I will be looking for a student who models these behaviors throughout the building. A “3 B Student of the Week” will be named. This student will get to wear the 3 B pin, receive a card to bring home, and have his or her name posted outside our classroom door.


Social Lessons – Each week we will have a social lesson, in addition to monthly guidance lessons. These lessons will help build our classroom community and support individual growth. We will focus on topics like growth mindset, dealing with difficult social situations, goal setting, etc. We will also have daily morning and closing meetings to foster a community of learners in our classroom.


Lunch and Snack:

Lunch and recess are at 11:35-12:20. They have lunch first then recess. We have noon monitors that are in charge of the students at this time.   


We have snack time every morning around 9:45. If you are able to, please send students with a snack for this time.  

I encourage all students to have a water bottle with them because they are not able to use the water fountain. If they forget their water bottle, I have cups under my sink that they can use but we do often run out! 



Monday- Library

Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- Art

Thursday- Gym

Friday- N/A


If a student or parent has any questions or need to contact me, I can be reached via email, remind app, or call the school at: (207) 892-1840.

We are going to have a wonderful year!


Here is the link to my website:


Mrs. King